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"There is nothing like Chess to keep the brain smart and give it a workout"

-Arnold Schwarzenegger

Chess for a Cause is an unincorporated non-profit association formed by high school students as a first step towards using chess to help alleviate and reverse the effects of aging-related dementia in adults.


A volunteering visit to a memory care facility in summer of 2016, inspired the young hearts of two high school students Anuhya and Poojita. Over the next several months, they continued to research on the possibility of using chess to stimulate the brain and thus help people combat dementia.


The ancient game of chess is believed to help the rejuvenation of brain in several ways.It helps the growth of dendrites, which in turn improves the performance of the brain. This game also allows the exercise of both left and right hemisphere of the brain providing balanced recovery. "use it or lose it", brain like any other part of the body starts to deteriorate if we don't use it.


Chess for a Cause team visits senior care, memory care and assisted living facilities across metro Atlanta area and introduces them to the game of chess. The hope is that the mental stimulation provided by chess may help reduce the rate of cognitive decline for the residents at these facilities.

Anuhya Tadepalli
College of Human Ecology, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY
Poojita Chinmay
The Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science and Technology ,GA

It is your Brain: Use it or Lose it

​© 2017 by CHESS for a CAUSE Proudly created with

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